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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

Personal Income Weak, Prices Falling Year-Over-Year Except Services

•, by mishgea

The consumer continues to spend though income isn't that strong. Personal income, for a second month in a row, inched 0.2 percent higher in June, in contrast to spending which, also for a second month in a row, rose 0.4 percent. The gain in spending was funded to a degree by savings as the savings rate is down 2 tenths to 5.3 percent.

There isn't much positive movement in inflation data with both the overall PCE index and the core index (ex-food ex-energy) up only 0.1 percent. Year-on-year shows no improvement at all with the overall rate unchanged at plus 0.9 percent and unchanged at plus 1.6 percent for the core.

Turning back to income, wages & salaries did improve a bit, up 1 tenth for a plus 0.3 percent gain. Details on spending show an outsized 0.7 percent increase in nondurables in a gain, however, tied in part to higher oil prices, not increased demand. Service spending rose a very solid 0.5 percent for a second straight month while durable goods fell 0.3 percent in June following a 0.4 percent decline in May, both reflecting weak vehicle sales. Durable goods are a sleeper here for July, possibly bouncing back should vehicle sales prove strong (July unit vehicle sales will be posted through the day).