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A "Terrorist" Strike on the US which will make 9-11 look like a Summer Picnic:


I wondered long and hard about how to pitch this post (actually, whether to even write it!). It's not exactly going to make me a lot of friends. But, fortunately, I don't give two shits about that. I'm pretty sure US citizens waking up to the likelihood of, and reasons for, this event, is just a bit more important.

An atomic bomb destroying central Manhattan. Or Washington DC. Or Los Angeles. Or wherever. It only happens in the movies, right? It will make 9-11 pale into relative insignificance (except of course, for later historians, interested in the context of how the well-planned over-reaction to 9-11, almost certainly led to the nuclear attack!).

The very notion however, is horrific … and is no doubt the stuff of countless alphabet-soup agencies' counter-terrorism planning and intelligence-gathering. The squillions of "security-agencies" set up after 9-11 absolutely eat this stuff up. They love it … because the fear they generate from such "terrorist" horror-stories means more money and power for them … to further metastasize … and further cement, like an unkillable cancer, the police-state reality the US has become in only 15 short years. Unfortunately, and as we will see, this backdrop and attitude (and the insane foreign policy it generates), leads to the event itself becoming self-fulfilling.