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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Watch it FREE: Make Sure Everyone Sees Clinton Cash (Full Documentary)

• DC Clothesline

It's no secret that I believe Hillary Clinton is the worst thing that has happened to American in decades. She has been proven to be a liar and a threat to national security. She doesn't care about you, your family, or your troubles, whether you are a woman, a minority, or any other marginalized or presumably trodden-upon individual. Don't be fooled by her grand speeches and political machine.

If you want to know the truth about where the Clintons' wealth came from, it can be found in the book, Clinton Cash. But you don't have to order the book. It has been turned into a documentary. Watch the whole thing here, for free.

Will your conscience allow you to stand idly by as she gets more power and more money while impoverishing you and urinating on both the constitution and national security?

I don't believe that voting is necessarily the answer, but we can cause an uproar that cannot be ignored. If we all shout together we cannot be silenced. Watch. Share. Let everyone know that you won't allow this greedy criminal to be the President of the United States.