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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

This Insane DNC Is the Convention the Internet Made

• Wired

Though party officials had just named her chair of the Democratic National Convention the day before, the Ohio congressmember looked more like an exasperated public school principal, patience already worn thin mere hours into the first day of school. As Fudge addressed the crowd from the stage, a mutiny was under way at the Democratic National Convention.

As Fudge spoke, a vocal minority of delegates booed any mention of party unity or Hillary Clinton, chanting Bernie Sanders' name at every opportunity. Finally, unable to control the rowdy crowd, Fudge did what any self-respecting disciplinarian would do. She lifted a hand in the air and said "Excuse me!"

"I am going to be respectful of you," she said, the crowd briefly stunned to silence. "And I want you to be respectful of me."