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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

The Flying Clintons

• LewRockwell

They are headed for their own Watergate, and it would be a pity to see the drama aborted. I'm only moderately vindictive: I want them hounded out of office, not hounded after they've already left.

This is getting good. As I write, Bill's old pal Bruce Lindsey* has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in the latest federal trial of the Arkansas mob. The Republicans want the special prosecutor to investigate three Clinton associates who may have perjured themselves before the Senate Whitewater Committee.

Both Clintons are under fire for the abuse of FBI files, a new scandal that has turned over several interesting rocks and revealed unsuspected dimensions of skullduggery: the thuggish Craig Livingstone, who was in charge of the file operation against the Clintons' enemies, is a character right out of the 1972 Nixon reelection campaign. He also turns out to be close to Hillary, and even helped clean out Vince Foster's office after his death. The Clintons' original story of "an innocent bureaucratic mistake" with the files has been exposed as a lie covering up something far more sinister. Every week brings a damaging revelation.