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IPFS News Link • United States

Is The US Government Setting Up To Murder Thousands Of Its Own Soldiers...


We covered earlier this week how Turkish President Erdogan used a false flag military "coup" to consolidate his own power, eliminate the remaining opposition, and rally support to himself and his perverted aim of rebuilding the Ottoman Menace into its former Empire. This "Ottoman dream" is a threat to the entire world because if Turkey successfully rebuilds itself into what Erdogan desires, and now there is no obstacle to stop him from doing so, the days of the 16th century will return with a great Muslim army, backed by the other Muslim nations, acting with a unified will to subjugate the world and try to destroy the Christian faith. All of the evils which the West fought against the Muslims when it was under Christendom will return with a vengeance.

This brings us to an interesting role, and that is of the US Government in this crisis, and, more importantly, the particular persons in power in the US government right now. I say this with regard to the US-Turkish military partnership at Incirlik Air Force Base in Eastern Turkey.

The last eight years under Nobel Peace Prize recipient US President Obama have been anything but peaceful, as the USA has invaded close to a dozen nations around the world, most of them Muslim. However, the nation that stands out the most for the purpose of this situation is Libya, since it was in Libya that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her cohorts committed the infamous Benghazi scandal, in which four american CIA operatives were lynched to death by US-backed Muslim terrorists for political ends. Not only did these men call for help repeatedly, but Clinton stood by as these men died, and then, with not even the slightest disturbance in conscience, blamed the attack on a petty film made by a nobody (and which we have written about before here only on because Walid indirectly had personal connections to this film by blood [and not by choice]). Most famously, Clinton lied to Congress about the Benghazi attacks, famously remarking, "What does it matter" when asked about what happened:

Walid pointed out in a recent article the role of the US in fighting against Turkey when it returns to full Ottoman Empire. However, that is for a later date. At the current time, America is ruled by possibly one of the most corrupt and evil successions of men in our history, and, as is shown by what happened at Benghazi, there are people in our government who see nothing wrong with allowing our own fellow government personnel to be heinously tortured, to death so long as it serves their ends. Life means nothing to them, and they will sacrifice anybody at a moment's notice if it means expanding or keeping their power.

It is for this reason that I go back to the situation at Incirlik AFB in Turkey, specifically to a comment we noted from the previous article:

"I am getting reports from people on the ground at the US base in Turkey. They still do not have external power and they are now having to try and fly in water. They were told to be ready for evacuate, then were told NO because [someone in] the STATE DEPARTMENT doesn't want them to leave."

We know for a fact that this Turk is a murderer and a robber, and he acts up when he starts becoming pious with Islam. His own history testifies to this and against him, and so do all of his neighbors, or perhaps better phrased, the neighbors who survived his constant attempts at genocide against them.

We have already documented that Turkey is seizing nuclear weapons– American made- from Incirlik and taking them to parts unknown. If that was not bad enough, what is even more concerning is that every single American at Incirlik right now – and there are almost 1500 persons – is in mortal danger. They are in a hostile nation with a long history of heinous violence against "infidels." It does not matter what firepower we have – the average US soldier at Incirlik right now is like a child inside of Michael Jackson's house – you are in mortal danger and there is no escape except for going far, far away from that place.

The government has to know this, just like they know their nuclear weapons are being stolen from them. The fact that they are choosing to do nothing means this is being orchestrated at very high levels in our government with full consent of persons in the military and State Department.

If you haven't figured it out yet, the fact that the government knows all of this and is still letting our people stay in Turkey means they are setting them up to be sitting ducks for a massacre.

Now, I am not saying that a massacre is inevitable. What I am saying is that allowing US soldiers to be in such a place, knowing they are such a target, is in practice making them a target for attack and use for geopolitical purposes at a later point.

Think about it like this: if Turkey doesn't do anything, than nothing is gained or lost. However, if Turkey (or anybody else, for that matter) does do something, then the US has a "reason" to respond with whatever policy it would already have pre-planned for such a situation.