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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Guest Post: What To Do About Hillary by Peter McCandless


Peter is a long-time friend. Enjoy.

I dread that my long-time observation on the increasing likelihood of a 4GW mutli-layered and  mix of regional insurgencies may be rearing its ugly head. I hope my prognostications are completely wrong-headed and ill-founded.

Update 171301JUL16: I will be going to dark until the first week in August to finish some projects and complete the seemingly never-ending editing process on two books. I recommend you take the time to inventory your G3, conduct PCIs and get ready for the coming Endarkenment. -BB

As of this writing, the question of whether Hillary Clinton violated the law with respect to her official emails while Secretary of State remains in the hands of the FBI investigators. Some, most notably (former) Judge Andrew Napolitano, have opined that there is no doubt she broke federal law and that an indictment is certain. Others have suggested that Hillary will never be indicted for no more specific reason than the Clintons have a virtually unbroken record of escaping accountability for their misdeeds spanning more than 25 years in public office.