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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

"Dear Bernie Sanders Supporters..."


I put my blood, sweat, and tears into a presidential candidate who wound up getting screwed over by his own party, voter " irregularities," the media, and the 'inevitability' mindset toward the 'mainstream' candidate that pervaded the voting public. His name was Ron Paul; you may have heard of him and the revolution he continues to inspire. But fret not, Sanders supporters, the revolution is also yours - if you can keep it.

Don't let the Democratic party steal your thunder. You created this revolution because you know something is wrong with the United States, and you saw Bernie Sanders as your next best chance to fix it. You're right — there is something wrong with America. Many things, in fact. From inequality to money's control over politics (see: oligarchy), police brutality to never-ending wars, social inequity to economic insecurity … need I go on?

But Bernie Sanders was never going to fix these issues — he said so himself. The problems the empire — err — the United States faces are too big and deeply-rooted for one man to fix. That's why Bernie stated from the start his candidacy was a movement about political revolution, not about electing him. He knew his odds when he entered the race — hell, he probably even knew Hillary was going to win despite the will of the people.