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Report: Internet Of Things To Grow By $6 Trillion And 34 Billion Devices In 5 Years


Unless you've been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you've likely heard the term Internet of Things, or IoT, at some point. But what does it mean?

In short, the IoT is a network of objects connected to the Internet that can collect and exchange data.

That brand new car loaded with apps? Internet of Things. The smart home devices that let you control the thermostat and lights with one voice command? Internet of Things. That fitness tracker that lets you share your exercise progress with friends? You get the idea.

The IoT is set to transform the way we live, work, and interact with one another in the coming years. It might seem complicated at first, but the Internet of Things works through a relatively simple ecosystem.

A person uses a remote (such as a smartphone or tablet) to give a command or request information through a network to an IoT device, which performs the action and then sends it back through the network. The command or information is then displayed on the remote. This data can be stored in the cloud, on a local database, on the remote, on the IoT device itself.