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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Voters Have Heavy Responsibility In November


Enough commentators have made the point that Hillary has been elevated above the law even before she is POTUS. The One Percent know how to protect its servants.

As Obama and Hillary demonstrate, the Democratic Party, formerly a defender of the common man, now competes with the Republican Party as an agent of the One Percent. Jimmy Carter was the last Democrat, and Ronald Reagan the last Republican, whose concerns encompassed ordinary folks.

Who represents the people today? Ironically, one of the One Percent—multi-billionaire Donald Trump. The incongruity of the people's champion being a One Percenter has produced conspiracy theories that Trump's assigned role is to alienate voters, thereby delivering the presidency to Hillary. Considering how deceptive American political life is, such a conspiracy cannot be dismissed out of hand. However, it seems to me that Trump is making too good of a fight out of it for his candidacy to be a conspiracy. The damage he is doing to Hillary does not fit the conspiracy theory. Trump can do himself in without having to take Hillary with him.