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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

The FBI Won't Charge Hillary Clinton, So Edward Snowden Did This…

• True Activist

t's intriguing to consider that after Edward Snowden, a former NSA subcontractor, leaked secret information about the government's surveillance activities, he was charged with "theft of government property", "unauthorized communication of national defense information" and "willful communication of classified communications intelligence information to an unauthorized person."

Hillary Clinton, however, the Democratic presidential nominee in this year's election and former Secretary of State, deleted 30,000+ emails from a private server and has received no reprimand from the FBI. In fact, on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey told the press that he would not recommend criminal charges against Clinton for using private email servers during her time as Secretary of State.

Double standard, much? 

Edward Snowden wasn't the only American left speechless by the decision, but his Tweet definitely summarized what most people were thinking:

When Snowden first fled the country in 2013, Clinton stated that she could never condone what he did. She said the former NSA employee was a "Traitor" who had "blood on his hands," reports DailyCaller.

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