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IPFS News Link • New World Order

Bilderberg Elites: Stop Trump, Boost Hillary; Stop Brexit, Boost Migration


In short, it looks as if "the great and the good," the high and the mighty of worldly power, have reached a "consensus" on a number of key issues. Foremost among these are the U.S. presidential election in November and the rapidly approaching Brexit referendum — coming up on June 23. And what is the Bilderberg consensus on these two issues? Simple: Trump must be stopped (and Hillary elected); the Brexit must be stopped (and the U.K. kept forever trapped in the evolving EU "Project"). More Bilderberg consensus: Flooding the EU with "refugee" migration must continue; populist political revolts against the elites in Austria, Hungary, the U.K., Italy, France, and elsewhere must be neutralized; the TPP and TTIP globalist trade schemes must be formally approved; more bailouts (and "bail-ins") of Too-Big-to-Fail banks and corporations must be readied — and much, much more.

With the Bilderberg confab hermetically sealed, how can I claim knowledge of the secret "consensus"? I'll come to that.

The 64th meeting of the Bilderberg Group took place June 9-12 at the luxurious Hotel Taschenbergpalais (shown) in Dresden, Germany. The annual conference of world powerbrokers and kingmakers convened under its trademark secrecy and tight security — and with the usual collusion of the mainstream prostitute press, which pretended not to notice that this notorious high council of politicians, bankers, and industrialists might be plotting anything injurious to the public weal.