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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

US bond yields could soon go negative: Strategist


According to Dennis Davitt, partner at Harvest Volatility Management and a noted options market veteran, it may well happen.

"I think you could see negative rates in the U.S. If Germany and other countries in the world go even further negative, it turns into a number line game. So where zero lies on the number line, who knows?" Davitt said Tuesday on CNBC's "Trading Nation."

He sees rates being driven lower by two factors in addition to overall slow global growth: Stimulative central bank policies and regulations.

"The European banks under their Basel regulations, much like our Dodd-Frank, are forced to hold a certain amount of assets on their balance sheet [and] those assets have to be government-issued debt. So they're forced to own those assets."

For that reason, no matter how low yields fall, "there's a buyer in the marketplace," he said.
