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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Bill & Hillary Clinton Scammed $16.5 Million From the State Department


Much attention has been given to the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and Trump University, but there's been no media coverage or scrutiny of the Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton's, husband Bill Clinton— who raked in roughly $16 million for working with "Laureate International Universities."

On April 24, 2010, Bill Clinton began his role as "honorary chancellor" for the Laureate system, right in the middle of Hillary's term as Secretary of State. This raises serious questions that haven't been asked or investigated: why did colleges in the Laureate system receive huge grants AFTER Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State? Isn't this yet another scandal that no one wants to touch?

The connection of the Laureate system to the Clinton Foundation has definite links that should be exposed. The more money the Laureate system received, the more money the Clinton Foundation received. From the The New York Times and Bloomberg News:

the "…world's largest for-profit college chain – has been a seven – figure donor to the Clinton Foundation, giving between $1 million and $5 million, according to the foundation's website. Laureate has also made five commitments through the Clinton Global Initiative." This on first sight may seem like a normal business item, but once anyone sees the increase of "Grants" since Hillary was Secretary of State, it then brings into question if Hillary used her office of State to get the "Grants."