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IPFS News Link • Korea/North Korea

Alleged N.K. Nuclear Activity - How Do They Know?


Reports: North Korea Recycling Plutonium to Make Nuclear Bombs … An unnamed U.S. official has confirmed to Reuters that evidence indicates North Korea has begun to once again produce plutonium fuel, a key ingredient in nuclear weapons. North Korea's communist government appears to be reprocessing plutonium that has spent its radioactive energy in use at the Yongbyon nuclear facility. The rehabilitation process makes it possible to use the plutonium in a nuclear bomb.  -Breitbart

More nuclear tensions reported by US officials. Do reporters ever try to find out the truth?

Why does the Western mainstream simply parrot what it's been told when it comes to technological issues?

Real reporting on technology – space exploration and nuclear war in particular – is moribund.

What the Pentagon says, reporters write. What NASA tells them, reporters write. Even the alternative media is guilty of this.

But we would like to know where the evidence is. We wrote about some of our questions HERE.

For instance, the bombing patterns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki resemble fire bombing.