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IPFS News Link • Politics

Trumped! Why It Happened And What Comes Next, Part 1


First, there were seventeen. At length, there was one.

Donald Trump's wildly improbable capture of the GOP nomination, therefore, is the most significant upheaval in American politics since Ronald Reagan. And the proximate cause is essentially the same. Like back then, an era of drastic bipartisan misgovernance has finally generated an electoral impulse to sweep out the stables.

Accordingly, the Donald's patented phrase that "we aren't winning anymore" is striking a deep nerve on the main street. But that is not on account of giant trade deficits or a faltering foreign policy and failed military adventures per se.

Indeed, it has very little to do with any patriotic impulse with respect to America's collective policy, and everything to do with voter perceptions that they personally are not winning economically anymore, either.

What is winning is Washington, Wall Street, and the bicoastal elites. The latter prosper off finance, the LA branch of entertainment (movies and TV), the SF/technology branch of entertainment (social media) and the great rackets of the Imperial City—including the military/industrial/surveillance complex, the health and education cartels, the plaintiffs and patent bar, the tax loophole farmers and the endless lesser K-Street racketeers.

Consequently, most of America's vast flyover zone has been left behind. Thus, the bottom 90% of families have no more real net worth than they had 30 years ago. By contrast, the real net worth of the top 9% stands at 150% its 1985 level, and the very top 1% is at 300% of its level three decades ago.

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