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The World Bank Wants You to be Panicked About Water


Water shortages will deliver 'severe hit' to world by 2050 – World Bank … Global water shortages are taking their toll. The World Bank has issued a stark warning that the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia will receive a particularly "severe hit" by 2050, and global mismanagement needs to be addressed urgently. -RT

We just published an analysis of water-scarcity propaganda on Monday and now the World Bank has just issued a report (see above) described as a "sharp warning" regarding water supplies around the world.

This is a great example of how elite propaganda works in our view. In this case, as we reported on Monday, WikiLeaks just leaked a nine-year old report on water scarcity. And now comes the World Bank with its own report.

We've been on the record for years suggesting that WikiLeaks is a controlled facility. In other words it "leaks" what is beneficial to its sponsors. In this case, for a variety of reasons those sponsors seem to espouse increased globalism.

Within this context, water-scarcity alarmism makes sense. On every level this particular meme provides arguments for increased United Nations activism and global governance generally.

Internationalists are ever on the prowl for so-called global problems that demand global solutions.

Climate change is one such problem. And we've argued in the past that drug decriminalization is being driven by a determination to expand global governance as well.

Drugs are mostly criminalized right now. But make it into a health-care issue and regulation suddenly becomes far more of a factor. The UN's recent UNGASS conference was intended to generate worldwide regulatory facilities. Presumably these would be administered at least in part by the UN:

The WikiLeaks leak seems to be offered with a similar intention. There is not much attributed to WikiLeaks that is not already known. (It seldom leaks "real" news.) And in this case, its water-scarcity leak seems suspiciously timed to reinforce the warning the World Bank has just issued.

More from the RT article:

The report issued Tuesday states that by mid-century, a combination of factors, including climate change and urban and population growth, will put a strain on water resources in areas where there is plenty – and hit really hard the ones where supply is already very scarce.

… According to the World Bank, combined global demand will increase by 100 percent in the next 20 years.  The author of the report warns that this will lead to new patterns of migration and an increase in civil conflict.

On Monday, we pointed out that water scarcity seemed to be aimed at justifying various forms of emigration and immigration, even when the  movements of people was obviously premeditated.

Issues having to do with global governance area also raised in the World Bank report and UN activism in the realm of "sustainable" globalism.

"Water is the common currency which links nearly every SDG (Sustainable Development Goal), and it will be a critical determinant of success," according to the World Bank report.

We mentioned in our previous article that "desalinization technology is advancing rapidly" – and this trend by itself should mitigate water-scarcity alarmism.
