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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

4,609 Killed in Iraq During April


 Of those fatalities, 410 belonged to civilians, while 331 of the dead were security personnel. Another 973 civilians and 401 security personnel were wounded. The U.N. does not tally casualties in Anbar due to the security situation; however, the Health Directorate in Anbar reported 27 civilians killed and 225 injured. These figures should be considered very conservative. The actual numbers of killed and injured are likely to be much higher.

During April, found that 744 civilians and security personnel were killed, while 982 were wounded. Of these, 477 civilians and 297 security personnel were killed. Another 566 civilians and 416 security personnel were wounded. Militants lost 3,801 personnel, while 398 were wounded. Reports of militant casualties come mostly from the Iraqi government.

Combining the highest figures, we have 4,609 dead and 1,772 injured. In March, 4,193 people were killed, and 1,966 were wounded.