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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

Saudis and the Dying Petrodollar: "The Global Economic Reset Has Begun"

•, Brandon Smith

Oil prices have been deliberately skewed to a level that would disrupt entire nations, and test markets while a flood of resources is pulling out the safety net and things grind to a halt. As these events unfold in the near future, much of the ample corrupt between the Saudis and the secret government wing of the U.S. government is likely to surface… and there is much evil and misdeeds to draw from.

It's been about 15 years now since passenger airliners struck the World Trade Center towers on 9/11, and we are still suffering the consequences of that day, though perhaps not in the ways many Americans might believe.

The 9/11 attacks were billed by the Bush Administration as a "wake-up call" for the U.S., and neocons called it the new Pearl Harbor. But instead of it being an awaking, the American public was led further into blind ignorance. The event launched wars throughout the Middle East, energized by a strike-first doctrine which was supposed to bring unprecedented "democracy" to the region. Instead, the Middle East has now become as unstable as it was during WWII.
