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Koch brothers is launching a new, multimillion dollar group to fight the rise of electric cars


As a surprise to absolutely no one, those who personally benefit from the success of fossil fuel industries are again scrambling to fight large scale progress toward cleaner energy. Recently it was revealed that the Koch brothers are a part of a plan to create a new group whose mission is to increase pro-petroleum transportation propaganda – by funneling $10 million per year into it – and to try and undo governmental electric vehicle subsidies.

Insider sources have revealed a developing scheme between a member of the Koch Industries board, James Mahoney, and a former petrochemical lobbyist, Charlie Drevna, to create a new platform for funneling funds into pro-petroleum endeavors. While neither of these moving pieces, nor anyone from Koch Industries, has been willing to comment just yet, sources say the group should be ready to go by next summer and that the infamous sibling duo will be the lead financiers.

Related: Koch brothers' father built an oil refinery for the Nazis, says new book

An industry source, who requested anonymity, said the group will "make the public aware of all the benefits of petroleum-based transportation fuels" and harp on how "the current administration has a bias toward phasing out" such fuels, according to The Huffington Post. The possibility that "in 20 years, electric vehicles could have a substantial foothold in the U.S. market" is clearly terrifying to those in the fossil fuel industries.

This tactic is nothing new in the Koch brothers' bag of tricks. A conservative energy analyst straightforwardly says, "The Kochs have invested heavily in a pugnacious defense of fossil fuel consumption.
