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IPFS News Link • Energy

How an Alternative School in India has been running on Alternative Energy since the 1980s


On their website, the school described themselves as "a centre for holistic education", focusing on a "commitment to integrating and balancing education and environmental concerns".

As excited as we were, we were not prepared for the intriguing realities of what this fascinating alternative school had to offer. Our arrival at the school was met with an urge to explore every nook and corner of the campus – an adventure that found ourselves getting lost in the wilderness. We were amazed to find out that the school exposed its students to the importance of wildlife, farming, carpentry and, most interestingly, sustainable energy. The sweat, the mud and the hunger were definitely worth the wait.

After devouring a plate of traditional south Indian food in the dining hall, we had the chance to catch up with the founder of this not-so-traditional school. A wise and skilful Englishman, Brian Jenkins founded Sholai School in 1980 after being inspired by the teachings of renowned Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti.