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Trolling Neighbors or Astronauts Will Get You in Big Trouble


But this weekend is different. The sun is shining! The news is good! Fix yourself a margarita and catch up on the stories you missed this week:

Scientists just proved another of Einstein's theories, almost 60 years after his death. He theorized that gravitational waves existed at the beginning of the 20th century and scientists were able to confirm this week that his theory was correct. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (known as LIGO for short) teased its discovery early this week, and then upped the ante by gifting us with the sound of gravitational waves. It's nerdy and esoteric, but kind of romantic too. "This is the first time the universe has spoken to us in gravitational waves," one of the scientists, David Rietze, said as he explained the discovery. "Up until now we've been deaf [...] That's just amazing to me." Doesn't that melt your heart a bit?
