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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

New Hampshire: The Triumph of Populism


The results of the New Hampshire primary are in, and the big winner is the new populism: that mysterious pro-"outsider" phenomenon that has the political class in a panic, and which no one has adequately defined – including its current practitioners.

Donald Trump's vote total of nearly 35 percent is impressive enough, but his two-to-one margin over the closest runner-up, John Kasich, underscores the triumph of his brand of Jacksonian populism over both the Romney-esque center right (Kasich-Bush) and "movement conservatism" (Cruz-Rubio). In spite of a concerted effort by the conservative punditariat and the mainstream media to marginalize Trump as toxic, he handily crushed them, and is now in a position to barrel into South Carolina and beyond, steamrollering the "Establishment lane" candidates who are as divided as ever.