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A small, self-governing island may hand over its roads to self-driving cars

•, By Matt McFarland

First, he's trying to salvage the island's horse-drawn carriages that date to 1876. At the same time, Gawne is leading a project to potentially lure companies that make fully self-driving cars, vehicles without steering wheels or pedals.

Such is the life of a bureaucrat on one of the world's most unusual islands. The self-governing island — nestled between Ireland and Britain — has a population close to 90,000 and a land mass about the size of Chicago. It claims to have the oldest continuous parliament in the world, dating back more than 1,000 years.

Its reliance on tourism dictates keeping the horse carriage in business. Driverless cars probably would draw visitors, too, and the government's ability to move quickly given its small size could make it an appealing destination for companies developing such vehicles.