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IPFS News Link • American Community Survey

Poll: Americans most concerned about terrorism, economy


Terrorism and the economy lead a long list of Americans' top priorities for Congress and for President Barack Obama in his final year in office, according to a Pew Research Center study released Friday. The share of people citing the economy as a top priority has, however, declined by 10 points over the course of the seven years of Obama's presidency.

Overall, 75 percent each said that terrorism and the economy are top issues that should be addressed, followed by 66 percent who said the same for education, 64 percent for jobs, 62 percent for Social Security and 61 percent for health-care costs.

Concern over reducing the budget deficit, which peaked in 2013 with 72 percent, fell to the middle of the pack with just 56 percent in the latest survey.

Fewer than one-in-three Americans — 31 percent — named global trade as a top priority for 2016, ranking the lowest out of 18 issues asked of respondents. Other overall low-priority issues include gun policy (37 percent) and climate change (38 percent).

Priorities differed slightly based on party identification. Terrorism topped the list of Republican concerns, listed by 87 percent, followed by 80 percent for the economy and 76 percent for the military. For Democrats, the top priority was shared between education (76 percent), economy (74 percent) and terrorism (73 percent), while among independents, the order was: economy (76 percent), education (71 percent) and terrorism (70 percent).

The gulf between Democrats and Republicans over strengthening the military has widened under Obama, with just 33 percent of Democrats naming it as a top priority, compared to 45 percent who said the same in 2009. As noted above, Republicans are 43 points more likely than Democrats to cite military strength.