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U.S. State Department's Deafening Silence After U.S. Citizens Engage In Israeli Settler Violence


In July 2015, two Jewish settlers threw a Molotov cocktail into a Palestinian homeand set it alight. Inside was a young family of four: a married couple and their two young sons. The building was fully engulfed by the time the parents awoke. They struggled desperately to get their boys out of the house. The mother swept up a blanket she thought contained her 18 month-old baby. But when she reached safety, to her horror she discovered the baby remained inside. They never reached him.

The mother and father had massive burns and each later died of their wounds after days of agonizing suffering in the hospital. Only their four year-old son survived them. Even he had burns over 60% of his body. They were eventually all taken to an Israeli hospital with a specialized burn unit. Ironically, in October the hospital forwarded the medical bills for treatment to the Palestinian Authority. Imagine: Israelis wipe out a family and Palestine has to foot the bill.

After the carnage was over, observers waited for the results of the investigation … and waited, and waited. In September, the Israeli defense minister suddenly announced that justice might never be done in order to protect the "methods and sources" of the Shabak (a Hebrew acronym for one of Israel's major intelligence agencies, also known as Shin Bet). No suspects were arrested; the case seemed to be going nowhere.