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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Every call for gun confiscation is a call for unrelenting government violence against ...

• Natural News

That has even been the case following terrorist attacks, as in the most recent jihadi-inspired shootings in San Bernardino, Calif. – religiously inspired murders that led the editorial staff of The New York Times to publish a front-page editorial – the first since 1920 – to call for more gun control and the banning of "weapons of war."

I say this behavior is odd, because some of the same people who are calling for gun bans and gun control – even to the point of disarming the populace – also regularly decry centralized government power and the "militarization" of local police.

Some of those people can't help themselves because they have been indoctrinated to believe that "all guns are bad" and "the only way to be safe is to be disarmed" by gun control activists in politics, the mainstream media and in academia – the latter demonstrated just recently by students at the University of Texas, Austin in reaction to a staged mock mass shooting held to demonstrate the futility of so-called "gun-free zones."