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IPFS News Link • Bitcoin

Bitcoin is Entering the Age of Practicality


We try to assess what changes can be made to better our lives, our businesses and our relationships. We ask what can we do differently that will push us positively towards our anticipated outcomes.

In the spirit of this thinking, let's discuss bitcoin and blockchain technologies.

Bitcoin and blockchain technologies are still in their infancy. Yet, millions of dollars have been invested and many companies have reaped tremendously from early adoption.

But, it's important to note that the companies that have had the most success have done so by creating a foundation for the entire industry.

As when building a house, the foundation is the first and possibly the most important element. Without it, the house would fall, and any good builder knows that you have to give the foundation a chance to cure before building on top of it.

The companies we'll list below have built a pretty solid foundation on top of the ground that the core developers provided. The only problem is, sleeping on a concrete slab can prove to be uncomfortable.

Enter the age of practicality.