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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Criminal Roots: A shocking exposé on the Clinton family and their rise to power


In fact, these scandals, many of which have been documented, may be some of the best kept secrets hidden from the American people to this day.

According to an underrated documentary film titled "The Clinton Chronicles," which contains scores of multiple eyewitness testimonies, the Clinton family is "sick" and may be one of the biggest criminal syndicates to have ever occupied the White House, aside from maybe the Obama Administration.

The film points out just how energetic and inspirational former U.S. President and Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton was in his younger years before he started trafficking cocaine and successfully laundering drug money from the illicit operations conducted through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority ( ADFA) and other channels – to the tune of millions of dollars.

Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing for the ADFA, was brought in by Clinton in 1988 to help with "loan" operations when he stumbled upon what Bill Clinton had previously touted to Nichols as "the best kept secret in Arkansas" at the time.

Nichols spoke a little about his time at the ADFA, about a month into his employment:

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Eric Frizzell
Entered on:

And we thought the Clinton Chrinicles were a joke? The joke's on us, not them!

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