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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

George Bush and Obama tried to destabilize Syria - US Military Leaders Opposed


A bombshell article from Seymour M. Hersh is being previewed by the London Review of Books. It details how President Obama carried on the George W. Bush policy of destabilizing the Syrian government despite sometimes overwhelming opposition from intelligence sources. (Article posted down below.) The article won't be fully released until January of 2016.

This comes a day after President Bashar al-Assad payed a surprise visit to a historic church in Damascus. This poses and interesting question, "If President Obama (or Hillary, Rubio or most any other establishment candidate) had his way in toppling Assad, would the new leader of Syria be tolerant of Christians and largely secular? Many forget that Saddam Hussein, bad as he was, allowed Christians to hold positions in Iraqi government–is anyone surprised this isn't the case now?

Assad is, by all accounts, a disgusting and brutal leader, but why is the U.S. meddling in the affairs of other another nation especially when the alternative is likely much worse?
