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USA Responsible For ISIS' Weapons Arsenal, Investigation Concludes

• True Activist

A damning new report by Amnesty International has named the USA as the primary nation culpable for indirectly arming the Islamic State, drawing the conclusion that the Pentagon is at least partly responsible for the terrorist group's conception, growth and subsequent reign of terror in the Middle East.

ISIS have acquired many weapons through illegal trading with unknown countries and arms dealers, but the vast majority of their current arsenal was stolen from Iraq. Amnesty claims that this was only made possible by a series of systematic failures and incompetencies by the USA in the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq invasion.

The report states:

'US-led forces failed to act decisively to prevent human rights abuses, control stockpiles, disarm Iraqi soldiers when the armed forces were disbanded, and safeguard against arms surpluses and imports getting into the hands of militias working as death squads or insurgents. This was compounded by a failure to adequately vet, monitor, train and hold to account the various Iraqi security forces in a manner consistent with international human rights and humanitarian law.'

The report quotes Army General John Abizaid, Commander of the US Central Command, who testified this before the US Senate in September 2003:

"There is more ammunition in Iraq than any place I've ever been in my life, and it's not securable. I wish I could tell you that we had it all under control. We don't. There are certainly not enough forces anywhere to guard the ammunition in Iraq."

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