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IPFS News Link • Israel

A Spanish Judge Just Issued an Arrest Warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu


In a move that is not being widely publicized in the Western media and which Israel claims is a "provocation," a Spanish judge has just issued an arrest warrant in connection with Israel's 2010 Gaza flotilla raid of the MV Mavi Marmara, otherwise known as the Mavi Marmara Massacre, that left nine human rights activists, including an American citizen, dead.

This flotilla raid is still being reported as a "gun battle," and authorities claim members of the Muslim Brotherhood were among the activists, but a gun battle only works when both sides have guns.

Activists were accused of attempting to block Israeli IDF from boarding the ship using knives, pipes, and sticks. In the video of the raid posted below, Israeli soldiers shows up in speedboats and clearly bullets immediately begin to fly before the IDF even attempts to board the ship, so there's no way to really say the Israeli soldiers' lives were in immediate danger by the guys on the boat with the pipes and knives (many of which in the video do not appear to have pipes or knives, although they have the right to defend their ship from being forcibly boarded). Ten Israeli soldiers were reportedly injured in the raid, which Israel claimed was legal even though it was in international waters.
