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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Secrets of the Federal Reserve: American Wealth Destroyed by Currency Coup From Within


(Truthstream Media) The Federal Reserve remains the 800-pound gorilla. Its moves are of enormous consequence to the economy, and their interests are at odds with those of ordinary Americans.

If people who've been thrown out of work, out of their homes and into bankruptcy understood what had been done, and by whom, they would have overthrown it practically overnight.

This insightful video discusses how the New York Federal Reserve is a corporation, largely owned by the top 10 banks – including many international banks – and works to increase the wealth of its shareholders at the expense of everyone else:

Secrets of the Federal Reserve: U.S. Economy, Finance and Wealth

The private control of this important central bank works through several channels, but centers around a handful of the top wealthy families in the ruling oligarchy – including the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, DuPonts and others. Direct ownership is bolstered through interlocking control between other Federal Reserve branches through board members and directors, as well as ties to family dynasty networks. The Federal Reserve is in turned steered by the agenda of the Bank of International Settlements, an institution which also has ties to ranking families of the banking houses.

Ron Paul: How the Fed Destroys Americans' Standard of Living

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