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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

WTI Crude Tops $50, Energy Stocks Soar To Biggest Week Since 2008 (But Credit Ain't Buying It)


WTI Crude is back above $50 to its highest in almost 3 months following a 10%-plus gain on the week (the 2nd best since Jan 2009). This surge has sparked the biggest surge in European and US Oil & Gas stocks since 2008 as Bloomberg notes, output from the world's biggest consumer drops and Shell and PIMCO claim the worst may be over (while Goldman sees "lower for longer" suggesting this rally is a squeeze). However, while Energy stocks and raw materials are soaring, credit markets remain notably less impressed.

Following the 2nd biggest week in crude since January 2009...

WTI Crude broke above $50 for the first time since July...

"The stocks have been oversold over the past year and that's helping the rally now,"Jason Kenney, European head of oil and gas equity research at Banco Santander SA, said by phone from Edinburgh. "Question is where will oil prices settle now? Investors think oil companies can weather the storm because they've got so many levers to pull."
