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No Joke: FBI Director Delivers "Love Letter To The ADL"


"As the Boston bombings illustrate, we face a continuing threat from homegrown violent extremists. Some call these individuals "lone wolves," but I think that gives them too much dignity. I like to think of them as "lone rats...
These individuals are self-radicalizing. They do not share a typical profile; their experiences and motives are often distinct. They are willing to act alone, which makes them difficult to identify and stop.
We in the FBI have a strong working knowledge of these groups and their general membership. Here, too, it's the lone offenders that trouble us. They stand on the periphery. We may not know of them because their actions do not predicate an investigation.

...Over the years, the partnership between the FBI and the ADL has grown stronger. Yes, we serve different functions, but we share common values and common goals. Your leadership in tracking and exposing domestic and international terrorist threats is invaluable. Your experience in hate crime prevention and investigations is essential. Your research has helped agents and analysts as they conduct threat assessments and prepare intelligence reports.

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