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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Saudis Mull Launch Of Regional War As Russia Pounds Targets In Syria For Fourth Day


While the US has certainly made some epic strategic blunders in Syria that raise serious questions about just how "intelligent" US intelligence actually is, there's little doubt that if one were to look behind all of the media parroting, the Pentagon and Langley understand all too well what's going on in the Middle East. 

That is, the significance of the Russia-Iran "nexus" in Syria isn't lost on anyone in the US military and you can bet there have been quite a few high level discussions over the past 72 hours about the best way to counter Moscow and Tehran's powerplay before it spills over into Iraq and ends up degrading Washington's influence in Baghdad.

As we put it on Friday, "if Russia ends up bolstering Iran's position in Syria (by expanding Hezbollah's influence and capabilities) and if the Russian air force effectively takes control of Iraq thus allowing Iran to exert a greater influence over the government in Baghdad, the fragile balance of power that has existed in the region will be turned on its head and in the event this plays out, one should not expect Washington, Riyadh, Jerusalem, and London to simply go gentle into that good night."

Sure enough, some experts now predict Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey will move to counter Russia militarily if Moscow continues to rack up gains for Assad. Here's The Guardian with more:
