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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Support For Gun Control Continues To Drop

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Support for federally enforced gun control continues to decline, according to the findings of a new Rasmussen survey.

The poll found that only 3 in 10 Americans, 34 percent, feel that the federal government should be involved in gun control.

That figure is down from a high of 38 percent, recorded in December 2014.

Perhaps even more telling is the finding that the percentage of Americans who oppose the idea of banning guns for everyone except for government agencies, military, and law enforcement continues to grow.

"69 percent think it would be bad for the country if only the government had guns, [which is] up seven points from 62% in December." reports Rasmussen.

The survey also discovered that 68 percent "would feel safer living in a neighborhood where they can own a gun" rather than in a place where guns are banned.

Rasmussen also discovered that a majority oppose more gun control, with 48 percent opposing and 43 percent declaring support for more gun control.