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IPFS News Link • Ron Paul Says...

Ron Paul: Champion of God's Peace

• Lew Rockwell

Ronald Reagan used to be called the Teflon president, on the grounds that no matter what gaffe or scandal engulfed him, it never stuck: he didn't suffer in the polls. If Reagan was the Teflon president, the military is America's Teflon institution. Even people who oppose whatever the current war happens to be can be counted on to "support the troops" and to live by the comforting delusion that whatever aberrations may be evident today, the system itself is basically sound.

To add insult to injury, whenever the US government gears up for yet another military intervention, it's people who pretend to favor "limited government," and who pride themselves on not falling for government propaganda, who can be counted on to stand up and salute.

I had the rare honor of serving as Ron Paul's congressional chief of staff, and observed him in many proud moments in those days, and in his presidential campaigns. But Ron's new book Swords into Plowshares: A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity, a plainspoken and relentless case against war that ranks alongside Smedley Butler's classic War Is a Racket, is possibly the proudest Ron Paul moment of all.

It's been calculated that over the past 5,000 years there have been 14,000 wars fought, resulting in three and a half billion deaths. In the United States, between 1798 and 2015 there have been 369 uses of military force abroad. We have been conditioned to accept this as normal, or at the very least unavoidable. We are told to stifle any moral qualms we may have about mass killing on the question-begging grounds that, after all, "it's war."

Ron, on this as on a wide array of other topics, isn't prepared to accept the conventional platitudes, and a recurring theme in his book involves speculating on whether, in the same way the human race has advanced so extraordinarily from a technological point of view, we might be capable of a comparable moral advance as well.