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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

This idyllic valley in Switzerland could soon change the world…


With the elegant and imposing mountains behind, it's as quintessentially Swiss as you can get.

Johann is the founder of Monetas, an advanced digital transaction platform that could dramatically change the way people do business around the world

Monetas is a 'cryptofinance' company– part of the new generation of technology firms that has set its sights on revolutionizing finance.

This goes way beyond Bitcoin.

The world of finance as we know it is highly centralized. Anytime you buy a Starbucks coffee or pay your electric bill, the funds pass through a heavily congested financial highway that is exclusively controlled by the banks.

All the money is funneled through their system. It's expensive. Inefficient. And incredibly outdated.

Think about an international wire transfer—the funds flow from one bank, to a larger bank, to an even larger bank (typically in New York), and back down to smaller banks on the receiving end.