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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Wesley Clark to Meghan Kelly: "We use radical Islamists for foreign policy objectives"

•, By Crabacado

They (Foxnews) have a very clear agenda that they want to continually reinforce for their audience. It may in fact be a lost cause to even go on this network if you're not a unreasonable Chris Kyle worshiper.

The title of this was, "Is there a plan to beat radical Islam"? But by the end that seemed to have nothing to do with the illogical hyperbole that Kelly was spewing. For some reason neoconservatives want you to say that all terrorists are motivated solely by their religion.

It's almost like deep down they know they're not motivated by religion alone and the implications of that truth scares them so they have to yell and froth at the mouth to protect the lie. Somewhere VERY deep down I think they suspect that you can't beat radical Islam through the military... And it pisses them off!