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Poor old Russell Brand still wants to launch his 'revolution'...

•, By Simon Murphy

But The Mail on Sunday can reveal Russell Brand is himself embracing capitalism, trademarking a logo using his own spelling of 'revolution'.

With supreme irony, his company has reserved the right to use the logo, with backwards letters spelling 'love', on trinkets, stationery, wallets – even lingerie.

He has been selling T-shirts with a similar logo on his website. Customers can 'pay what you want', though a minimum £30 applies – with anything above that 'donated to various charitable causes'.

The logo is on the cover of the book he released last year in which he rails against capitalism.

In the book, which has sold tens of thousands of copies, Brand admits he is one of the richest one per cent in society 'a tourist in poverty'.

Responding to a question on Twitter last year on where the book profits would go, he said they would fund the Trew Era Cafe in Hackney, East London, a 'social enterprise to get recovering addicts into work'.