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IPFS News Link • Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson's best comebacks to your crazy uncle's anti-science woo


he Agnostic Atheist Anti-Theist (Agatan) Foundation has released on YouTube the first of what will likely be many compilations of "The Best Neil deGrasse Tyson Arguments and Comebacks."

In this installment, Tyson goes over those who believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects, as well as those who believe that aliens have crash-landed in Roswell.

"If an alien came across the galaxy and couldn't land the damn spaceship," Tyson said. "Then I don't want to meet the damn aliens. They're stupid aliens. Don't tell me you came across the galaxy and can't land on earth. Go home!"

In other segments, he excoriates those who oppose the Big Bang on theological grounds, discusses what's wrong with people who believe cell phones cause cancer, and marvels at the audacity of those who believe that because science cannot explain a phenomenon now, "no one who will ever be born" will be able to.

Watch part one of the Agatan Foundation's video series below via YouTube.