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The Super-Rich and Us Rich People VS Poor People UK BBC Documentary 2015 Episode 2


The Super-Rich and Us Season 2 Jacques Peretti investigates why the super-rich were drawn to Britain. The Super-Rich and Us BBC Documentary 2015 Episode 2 Rich People VS Poor People UK In a series about the extraordinary stories behind maps, Professor Jerry Brotton uncovers how maps aren't simply about getting from A to B, but are revealing snapshots of defining moments in history and tools of political power and persuasion. Visiting the world's first known map, etched into the rocks of a remote alpine hillside 3,000 years ago, Brotton explores how each culture develops its own unique, often surprising way of mapping. As Henry VIII's stunning maps of the British coastline from a bird's-eye view show, they were also used to exert control over the world. During the Enlightenment, the great French Cassini dynasty pioneered the western quest to map the world with greater scientific accuracy, leading also to the British Ordnance Survey. But these new scientific methods were challenged b