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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

Talk about the hypocrite from New York City


With a net worth of about $34 billion, former Wall Street banker Michael Bloomberg is reportedly the sixteenth-wealthiest person in the world. He spent about $74 million each time he got himself elected Mayor of New York, an office he then tried to use to make all New Yorkers healthier by banning sugary soft drinks in large containers — stuff like that.

Mind you, New Yorkers could still buy all the smaller sugary soft drinks they wanted. But in the world of the left-liberals, it's your intention that counts.

(The soda ban was overturned by a New York State Supreme Court Judge last year because it arbitrarily applied to some businesses while inexplicably exempting others, like 7-Eleven – "apparently those businesses with the political prowess to lobby for exemptions," commented Karen Harned of the NFIB Small Business Center.)

Mr. Bloomberg clearly feels "the law" is meant to be used by wiser souls (him) to impose their preferences on others. But what happened when the law threatened to limit his own ambitions?

When he ran for mayor, Bloomberg knew the law allowed him to serve only two terms. So he went to wheeling and dealing, got the law changed, and ended up serving three terms.

Now he'd like to change another law: The Second Amendment.