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Extreme Weather Warning: As Polar Vortex Descends on U.S. "All Hell to Break Loose"

•, Mac Slavo

"Superstorm Nuri packs more energy than Hurricane Sandy. It's headed our way, and we are in the bullseye. This weekend it's going to plow into Alaska, creating fifty foot waves. Then, by midweek, all hell breaks loose. It's going to combine with the jetstream, pushing arctic air perhaps as low as Florida," Michio Kaku told CBS News.

"In the worst case scenario, it could mean a deep freeze. It means airlines canceling flights left and right. It means transportation being disrupted… we're talking disruption that will peak between November 13 and November 15, but will ripple through the rest of November," Kaku added, telling viewers to "get used to" polar vortexes, because "the earth is changing, and we're going to see more violent swings."

Northern states are expected to experience extreme lows that could reach -30 Fahrenheit and beyond, while early bouts of extreme cold will affect nearly the entire U.S., dipping between 15 and 30 degrees below normal.

It will bring snowstorms and heavy rains across the much of Northern United States and Canada, and heavy rains, particularly in the East.