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IPFS News Link • Hacking, Cyber Security

Experts call for risk scores to improve smartphone app security

•, By Nino Marchetti

Researchers suggest this issue could potentially be addressed through better consumer education and an easy to understand risk score for each app.

Researchers from Purdue University, working as part of a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project, took a look at the decision making patterns of smartphone users with regards to apps usage. They disturbingly came away with the conclusion that most users habitually ignore security warnings and consent to app permissions without a second thought as to what they are actually giving acceptance to.

"Although strong security measures are in place for most mobile systems, the area where these systems often fail is the reliance on the user to make decisions that impact the security of a device," the researchers wrote in a recent report.

Furthermore, besides users paying little attention to what they are clicking through exists the plain fact that often the permissions which seek approval seem written by programmers for programmers.