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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Welcome to the Compost Power Network


Over the years we have assited with or built many dozens of compost heat recovery systems that have provided combustion-free hot water and heat for buildings, greenhouses, etc.

We have collaborated on research and demonstration projects with several universities, Highfields Center for Composting and Agrilab Technologies to bring this exciting concept to the next level. Please watch this short video for background on the concept and visual explanations of two different approaches we have found to be successful.

Our work is inspired by the innovation of Jean Pain who pioneered compost heat recovery in the 1970s. Jean Pain powered his entire home and farm on the heat and natural gas he captured from specially designed woody-biomass-based compost-systems.

We have tested Jean Pain's methods with much trial and error and much success. With a "Jean Pain Mound" or an actively aerated compost heat recovery system from Agrilab Technologies it is possible for a home, farm or business to generate cost-effective combustion-free energy for space-heating and hot water, using local renewable resources while generating soil.