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Brits Beg Scots to Stay

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From an iron fist to an outstretched hand. That's the difference 238 years can make. Instead of 56 men signing a Declaration of Independence from British control, nearly 5 MILLION Scottish citizens will be signing THEIR name on a BALLOT in an effort to split apart from the United Kingdom. You know what they say, you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. And this time around, it seems the British Parliament learned their lesson. Prime Minister David Cameron is switching up their approach, promising Scotland a much bigger seat at the table if they decide not to opt out of their 307-year marriage with the UK. Cameron urges the Scots to vote no this Thursday, promising them a better chance to resolve their problems INSIDE the UK than out of it. No matter how you cut it, this is a step away from centralized control. Wales and Northern Ireland are watching closely to how this power move plays out, and so far, England is playing nice. But Cameron doesn't a