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IPFS News Link • American History



Myron Paine has devoted 14 years of research to Norse Catholics in America.  He started by making a hypothesis:

During the Little Ice Age ancestors of the Lenape-speaking people walked, en masse, on the ice from Norse Greenland to Merica.

When the evidence he found became overwhelmingly positive he created a research orientated web site called Frozen Trail to America.  Then he wrote a pair of books by the same name.  Unlike many other books, these books have a high resale value.

During his research Paine recognized the oldest history in America.  The Lenape history tells of a 4,000 mile migration that took 150 years.  Painecreated a blog, The LENAPE EPIC,  to tell the migration story.

As he deciphered the LENAPE HISTORY, Paine realized that the history shared episodes with the VIKING WATERWAY in western Minnesota.  He created a research blog about the waterway.

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