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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA Must Tell the Truth About My Rendition At 12 Years Old

This debate is very personal for Khadija al-Saadi, who at 12 years old was rendered from Hong Kong to Libya in a joint CIA-MI6 operation in 2004.

Her father, an opponent of Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was the main target of the operation. The family accepted a settlement from the British government in 2012 for its involvement.

Here is her story, provided to Gawker by Reprieve, an international human rights NGO.

Two very different flights landed at Mitiga military airport in Libya just over a decade ago. The first was organized by the CIA and MI6. On board were a family of six surrounded by guards, the frightened children separated from their parents, the father chained to a seat in a rear compartment with a needle stuck in his arm. The second flight, only a couple of days later, carried Tony Blair in comfort, on his way to shake hands and do business with Colonel Gaddafi.